03 July 2014

Youtube Video Downloader For Google Chrome

Youtube Video Downloader For Google Chrome

>>Here first we need to install the script plugin.

  1. Open Google Chrome Browser and click on setting.
  2. Click on "Extensions" (Left side top corner)
  3. Click on "Get more extensions" (Left side bottom of the page).
  4. Search for "tampermonkey"  and select it.
  5. Here you can find the tampermonkey picture and Click on "+ FREE" buttor (Green color button)
  6. Click on "Add"
  7. Script plugin successfully installed. So now we can import any type of script in your google chrome through tampermonkey extensions.

>>Here second we need to import the script to download the youtube videos.

  1. Click Here to install/import the script.
  2. Click on "Install"
  3. Please close and re-open you google chrome.
  4. Enjoy!!!

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